CANCOM Analysis & Evaluation

Your path to more transparency

Whether a global corporation or a medium-sized company โ€“ a functioning and modern IT infrastructure is essential for a companyโ€™s success. That is why we at CANCOM we offer you not only the procurement of market- and technology-leading solutions, but also the complete consulting and service portfolio from analysis to implementation. We distinguish betweenย three important phases, in which we will be happy to support you if required, so that you can benefit from our extensive expertise from many projects that have already been implemented.

We create the basis for your successful transformation

The goal of the first phase is for us to work with you to ensure absolute transparency โ€“ and thus the basis for really good business decisions. This usually requires the following steps:

1. Business requirements analysis

At the very beginning is the business requirements analysis. In this process, we identify and document all the expectations and requirements of users and all stakeholders for the IT infrastructure. Good requirements are defined in such a way that they can be documented, are useful and measurable. That way, we get a comprehensive statement of what the outcome of the project should be and also how we can evaluate it.

2. Analysis of IT requirements and other requirements

In the next step, we precisely determine the technical requirements as well as other requirements for your IT infrastructure. At this point we make sure that the IT solution is best adapted to the specific environment of your company. Each company has its own specific requirements, which of course have a direct impact on the demands placed on the IT systems. Factors include, for example, size, industry, growth, budget or existing software solutions as well as those that will be required in the future.

3. Analysis of the IT environment

Closely related to the analysis of technical requirements is a systematic analysis of your IT environment. We use questionnaires and checklists to conduct a targeted collection of information.

4. GAP and Risk Analysis

With a gap analysis we determine the discrepancy between the target of your company and the expected development. For the latter, we determine the actual values and project them into the future. We then compare these with the desired targets to determine the necessary action required. Equally important is a risk analysis, in which we identify typical project risks as well as IT risks, legal risks and consequential risks and derive measures to minimize them.

5. Roadmap

The analysis phase is concluded by a reliable roadmap for further action based on the results of the individual intermediate steps. With this, you can continue to work independently or we can accompany you into the following phase of planning & strategy development.