We always strive to meet our own requirements and those of our business partners. Therefore, we always adapt our processes and conduct to laws and internal guidelines.
We would like to encourage all employees, business partners and other third parties to report to us any violations of legal or internal requirements as well as risks or violations in the areas of human rights and environmental protection that have been identified or even suspected in good faith – either by stating their own name or anonymously. This is the only way we can improve.
Reports can be submitted by internal and external persons, either by disclosing the identity of the reporter or anonymously via the whistleblower tool or to the Compliance Office group mailbox:
Compliance Office
Erika-Mann-Straße 69
80636 München
Mail: ed.mo1737013899cnac@1737013899ecnai1737013899lpmoc1737013899
Communication with anonymous reporters is also possible via this tool.
Reports can be sent in German, English, French or Slovak.
The receipt of reports received by e-mail, post or via the reporting tool will be confirmed within 7 days. The whistleblower will be informed about follow-up measures within 3 months at the latest. At the request of the whistleblower, a personal meeting is also possible.
In the case of an anonymous report, we will not take any steps that would lead to the anonymity of the reporter being revealed. The reporting tool is technically set up in such a way that it is not possible to trace the sender of an anonymous report (including IP address).
All reports are received and processed throughout the CANCOM Group by the central compliance department of CANCOM SE. The original responsibility for the reaction to the reported violation (e.g. follow-up measures) remains with the respective company. In the course of the necessary coordination between CANCOM SE and the
company concerned, it may be necessary to pass on information to the responsible persons in these companies.
Incoming reports and the resulting internal investigations, the involvement of authorities if necessary, and the resulting measures are documented comprehensively but confidentially by the Compliance Office. Authorities such as the police, the public prosecutor’s office, and/or supervisory authorities are called in after the facts of the
case have been determined and if necessary.
CANCOM ensures that no person is terminated, transferred to a low-grade position, suspended, threatened, harassed, or discriminated against in any way as a result of a bona fide report.
There will be no sanctions of any kind against the bona fide reporter under any circumstances. This applies subject to conflicting legal requirements (e.g. Section 125 (1) Sentence 1 No. 3 GWB, self-cleaning under antitrust law).
In addition to the internal offices, external offices are also available to whistleblowers for reports. For example, reports can be made to the central external reporting office at the Federal Office of Justice (BfJ), to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and to the Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt) as well as to reporting offices at European institutions (e.g. OLAF, ESMA).
Our Code of Conduct makes an important contribution to ensuring that CANCOM is perceived as a fair, reliable and sustainable partner. The Code of Conduct is binding for all employees.
Our guidelines in detail:
CANCOM has supported the UN Global Compact since 2015. In doing so, we have set ourselves the goal of shaping globalization in a socially, sustainably, and ecologically responsible manner. Our commitment to the ten principles of the UNGC in the areas of human rights, employee rights and occupational health and safety, environmental protection, and anti-corruption is therefore an integral part of the mandatory supplier information. All CANCOM Group suppliers confirm their compliance with the UNGC principles in writing in advance.
We report annually on progress in implementing the goals of the UN Global Compact.
CANCOM is active at more than 60 national and international locations. At all of our sites, we are committed to compliance with the core conventions of the International Labor Organization, or ILO standards for short. Within the CANCOM Group we respect and promote the ILO principles.
CANCOM’s Executive Board is expressly committed to the goals of the ILO labor standards, promotes them within the company’s sphere of influence and takes all steps to ensure compliance with them. The Executive Board’s statement on the core labor standards can be found here. CANCOM encourages all employees, suppliers and customers to actively report violations and misconduct and has set up a whistleblower mailbox for this purpose.
If you have any questions about the ILO labor standards please feel free to contact us via email at ed.mo1737013899cnac@1737013899ecnai1737013899lpmoc1737013899.
ILO Labor Standards:
Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
Elimination of forced labor
Abolition of child labor
Prohibition of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
As leading service provider for hybrid IT infrastructure, we work with suppliers every day. We evaluate all partners we enter into business relationships with and check whether our partners also comply with the agreed standards.
As a listed company, CANCOM is subject to a range of reporting and transparency obligations and is committed to high standards of proper corporate governance. Annual declarations on compliance with the standards of the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) and on corporate governance practices are just as much an expression of this sense of responsibility as guidelines on various topics of corporate social responsibility or the publication of our rules of procedure for the Executive Board and Supervisory Board.
Florian Frick
Group Compliance Officer
+49 89 54054-5181
Alina Gläßer
Deputy Group Compliance Officer
+49 89 54054-5171